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Saugeen Golf Club (Semi-Private Courses) Contact Card report abuse? thank you
About Saugeen Golf Club
History of Saugeen
The Saugeen Golf Club was founded in 1925 by Charles Bell, Herbert Stevens, Joseph Houde, Logie Foster and Dr. Clifford Belyes. Work began on April 15, 1925, to transform 45 acres of farmland into a nine-hole golf course. In May 1925, the first Board of Directors was elected to oversee the club's beginnings, and that board chose Stanley Thompson & Co. - Golf and Landscape Architects of Toronto, to oversee the creation of the golf course. Thompson's nine eventually became known as The Legacy. The original name of the club was the Southampton-Port Elgin Golf Club; however, during the summer of 1925, the name was changed to the Saugeen Golf and Country Club.

On April 24, 1946, the Provincial Secretary's Office approved the incorporation of the Saugeen Golf Club and the dissolution of the Saugeen Golf and Country Club. The new charter permitted the club to operate on a non-profit basis. All shares were called in for the Saugeen Golf and Country Club Limited, and in return the members were given "certificates" to the Saugeen Golf Club. These certificates allowed members to vote on club business and stand for offices within the club.

Although built in 1956, on June 20th, 1957, the official ribbon cutting was held for the 18-hole Saugeen Golf Club. Nine holes had been added to the original design and became known as the Sunset nine.

During the following years, additions were made to the clubhouse, storage sheds and golf shop as well as upgrades to the existing maintenance equipment and irrigation system. Saugeen Golf Club became one of the premiere golf facilities in the region.

The year 1995 saw the formation of an expansion committee to oversee adding another nine holes to the club. On July 28, 1995, Saugeen Golf Club officially opened the "Sunrise" nine, making our club the only 27-hole facility in the region.

Recently, the golf club completed installation of a fully computerized irrigation system for the original 18, Legacy and Sunset. New maintenance equipment continues to be added each season to help ensure optimal conditions for the course. Thanks to a 2 Million dollar club house renovation in 2013, the club continues to offer the great services before and after you play, while enhancing our banquet experience for those using our facility for tournaments and special events.

2008 saw renovations begin in coordination with plans created by golf course architect Graham Cooke, who is known for his expertise renovating Stanley Thompson designed golf courses. With seven holes modified in the fall of 2008, the Legacy and Sunrise nines will certainly have a new look in the coming years. These renovations continue year after year, with minor and major changes, helping to bring SGC to a new level of quality on the golf course!

Saugeen now has over 650 adult members who generate about 30,000 rounds of golf a year. Saugeen also hosts green fee play of about 15,000 rounds of golf annually, for a yearly total of approximately 45,000 rounds.

Our junior and intermediate golfing base is strong (150) due to the addition of The Future Links junior golf program. Saugeen Golf Club has taken a very pro-active lead in growing the game of golf in our region. Annually, over 100 children participate in the golf development program that runs over the summer months.

As Saugeen moves forward, the vision and philosophy of Saugeen Golf Club is still the same as it was in 1925: "To be the leader in providing the best quality golfing experience anywhere."
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